Monday, March 30, 2009

Before and After

I never wanted to show a before photo of mine because I feel it takes away from the magic. But I remembered how happy I always am to see a fellow photographers before and after, so I decided to share :o) I chose one of my latest called "He Whispers In Her Eear" Enjoy!


Oh I may be going on Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic, very excited!
Wanted to share a passage from a book Im reading by Jane Rubietta called "Come Closer"
"So today, I hold out my empty, open hands to Jesus and wait for Him to wrap his nail-scarred ones around me. As he picks up my heart and spins me about, my laughter mingles with my tears, and I whisper through a trembling smile, "Im here. I come."
Much Love,

Monday, March 23, 2009

My Motion Collection

All of these are Self Portraits
Copyright: Cheryl Maida

My first blog

I have never considered myself a "blogger" infact I even hate the word. But here I am! Sucked into the neverending world of computers and their gadgets. I would like to tell you a bit about myself.

I am 22 years old and reside in Connecticut, USA. I used to do some modeling, which is where the name "Payton Guerra" came to be. For some reason I didn't want to use my real name when I started. I had always loved the name Payton, and used Guerra beacause it was my grandmothers last name and have always felt closer to the Puerta Rican side of me :o) The other side is Italian, where my real last name Maida comes into play.

Cheryl Maida is my name - call me what you wish. I have photographers that still call me Payton so its become a part of me.

After deciding to stop modeling I wanted to bring my real name out. I am very proud of my work and have worked very hard to get at the petty level I am today. I am self taught. I have taught myself photoshop litterally through trial and error. I will continue to do this until I have learned all the wonderful tricks :o)

Hm.. I wanted to get the name thing out of the way and I've done that, so I guess this concludes my very first blog entry. I Love you all and hope to get a gallery going on here of my work. Along with updates and even some outtakes.

Much Love,

Cheryl ( Payton )